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Seed Packing Party 2025

NOTE: A PGVG Board & Membership meeting will be held at 9AM; Seed Packing starts at 11AM

The seed packing party is one of three social events the PGVG provides outside of our weigh offs. (Spring Seminar and Annual Patch Tour are the other two).  At the party the club will provide pizza as the members assemble the membership packet. At the seed packing party we will label envelopes, place seeds in envelopes, eat pizza, distribute seeds to grower packets.

If you are new to seed collection proceed like this. Collect your seeds from the fruit and rinse in a spaghetti strainer. Lay them out flat like on a cookie sheet, dry them in the house and stir often the first few days. A fan may help.  Once the seeds feel dry you can put them in a bowl and stir daily for about a week.  Packaging seeds in paper envelopes is the best because it allows the seeds to breathe. Plastic bags are ok if your seed is completely dry. 

January 1


March 7

GPC Big Show